The Employer’s Guide to Certifying Allied Health Employees

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Home / Blog / The Employer’s Guide to Certifying Allied Health Employees

The Employer’s Guide to Certifying Allied Health Employees

AMT works directly with employers to qualify professionals to fill jobs in medical, dental and laboratory settings. Whether it’s several—or several hundred—employees or apprentices in need of a quality certification credential, AMT will work with you to make it happen. Our certification experts help everyone from physician practice managers to workforce development consultants find certification solutions. In this blog, we’ll show you how easy it is to certify your staff with a high-quality credential.

Why Certify Your Employees?

When you certify your allied health staff, you make an investment not only in your employees but in quality outcomes for your patients. The nationally recognized certifications offered through AMT, esteemed for their rigorous standards, prove your employees’ commitment to their profession and your organization’s dedication to optimal care. Our members are proud to carry the AMT credential after their names.

How It Works

We break down certification into four simple steps for you and your employees.

1. Determine individual eligibility to qualify for certification. 

To get certified through AMT, your employee must meet certain eligibility criteria as a route to certification. AMT offers more than one route to each certification, and eligibility is based on work experience, education or a combination of both. Employees enrolled in an apprenticeship or workforce development program may also qualify. Those who meet the criteria are likely well-prepared to succeed on the certification exam.

Share our eligibility assistant with your employees, so they can check their status.

2. Apply for certification. 

Once you create an account and are assigned an organization ID, you gain access to your portal, through which you can see each employee’s progress toward certification. Employees will create their own personal AMT accounts and link their applications to your organization to ensure that you can track their activity in your organizational management reports.

Employees submit documentation to verify their education and relevant employment history. If you are certifying a group of 20 or more employees at one time, we will work with you directly to verify their work experience.  

3. Prepare your staff for the test. 

AMT offers study resources to help individuals feel confident to succeed on the exam. Practice tests and review courses can be purchased through the AMT Store. Most importantly, Exam Content Outlines are free and detail all the content of the exam.

4. Take the exam. 

Much like other professional credentials, such as nursing boards, exam security is a non-negotiable requirement for high-stakes testing. All AMT certification exams are administered through Pearson VUE at locations throughout the U.S. 

Employees schedule their exam after they receive an official letter from AMT with instructions to proceed. After taking the exam, they will know their score immediately. This score is transmitted to AMT within 48 hours. If it is a passing score and all other documentation has been received and approved by AMT, your employee(s) will receive their official certificate within 14 days. A digital badge is available within 48 hours on their AMT portal.

The Benefits of Partnering with AMT for Credentialing

You have options when choosing a certifying agency for your employees, but the benefits of partnering with AMT are the reason many allied health employers ask for AMT credentials from their employees.

Credentials with Quality and Integrity

All allied health credentials are not created equal. The markers of a quality credential include industry recognition, exam content that is practice-based and appropriately challenging, and a requirement to keep competencies current once the credential is earned. AMT members enjoy the respect of their employers because their credential carries the weight of rigorous standards.  

Dedicated Account Care Team 

Our experienced team of experts guide employers through the certification process. As an employer, you can choose how hands-on you want to be in your team’s certification process. You can either direct your employees to AMT to manage on their own or initiate the process on their behalf. AMT offers a quick, affordable process that ensures that eligible allied health professionals are proven competent for their jobs.

Practical Resources 

To help with your process, AMT provides the option for you to “bulk purchase’ applications on behalf of your employees along with free detailed management reports. To help your team, applicants can take practice exams to boost their confidence before the exam and take advantage of continuing education after the exam to stay on top of new trends and best practices.

How to Help Employees Maintain Certification

Once certified, your staff has achieved something that relatively few have accomplished: A professional credential that they can carry throughout their careers. This means they have also earned the right to use the credential after their names. Everyone certified through AMT automatically becomes a member of the national professional organization and their local state chapter. AMT makes it simple for your employees to maintain their competencies and their active certified member status by:

Get Started

Are you an employer with questions about AMT certifications or our process? Considering setting up an apprenticeship or workforce development program in allied health? Our experts can advise you on certification standards and processes to set up your employees for success. Click the button below to tell us about your unique needs.




We invite your eligible staff members to take and pass a certification exam, joining the ranks of more than 100,000 actively certified members of AMT, who work in all 50 states and abroad. Since 1939, AMT has been a lifelong career partner and professional association that offers allied health professionals, educators and employers continuing education, networking and leadership development.


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